How to...

How to write a single-file Chopsticks script

Chopsticks will work very well with a neatly organised codebase of management functions, but you can also write a single file script.

Chopsticks has special logic to handle this case, which is different from the standard import machinery.

The cleanest way to write this script would be:

from chopsticks import Tunnel

def do_it():
    return 'done'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Tunnel('remote') as tun:

Actually, only the do_it() function, and various globals it uses, are sent to the remote host. This code will work just fine:

from chopsticks import Tunnel

def do_it():
    return 'done'

tunnel = Tunnel('remote')

This also allows Chopsticks to be used from within Jupyter Notebooks.

How to customise interpreter paths

Chopsticks assumes that the interpreter path on a remote host will be /usr/share/python2 for Python 2 and /usr/share/python3 for Python 3. However, these paths may not always be correct.

To override the path of the interpreter you can simple subclass Tunnel (or the tunnel type you wish to use), and modify the python2 and python3 class attributes:

class MyTunnel(Tunnel):
    python3 = '/usr/local/bin/python2'

To do this for all tunnels of the same type, modify the attribute on the type:

Tunnel.python2 = '/usr/bin/python2'